20 Best Off-Meta ADCs in League of Legends Season 13 (With Builds)

Chris Lee
Chris Lee 56 Min Read

Feeling stuck in the repetitive rhythm of conventional ADCs in League of Legends Season 13? We’ve got you covered.

This article uncovers 20 off-meta ADCs, each promising a unique twist to your gameplay. These unconventional choices are not just surprising, but they also offer a refreshing take on the game.

Here, we present you with the chance to redefine your League experience. Could one of these off-meta ADCs be your new game-changer?

1. Quinn

Quinn stands as a compelling choice for an off-meta ADC due to her high burst damage and unique abilities that can offer substantial early-game advantages.

This versatility makes her a formidable adversary, especially against unsuspecting junglers, and allows for unexpected lane dominance.

Her ability to inflict high burst damage proves particularly useful in shredding squishy enemy ADCs. Quinn’s potential to deal heavy damage within a short period can quickly turn the tides of a fight, leaving the enemy reeling and providing opportunities for her team to secure objectives.

Quinn’s ability, Blinding Assault, is an invaluable tool in her arsenal, proving instrumental in denying enemy ADCs their damage output.

The induced near-total darkness can shift the outcome of skirmishes by making it challenging for enemies to land their abilities while opening a window for Quinn’s assault.

Equally important is Quinn’s Heightened Senses ability, a powerful tool for map awareness. This skill allows her to reveal key areas, providing crucial insights into enemy positions and movements. This can lead to early game advantages, where vision is limited, and the element of surprise can lead to quick, decisive kills.

However, what truly sets Quinn apart is her ultimate, Behind Enemy Lines. The dramatic increase in mobility that this ability offers allows Quinn to effectively roam the map.

This skill can be used to exploit enemy blind spots or to make swift escapes from precarious situations, allowing Quinn to control the tempo of the game.

The combination of Quinn’s abilities and her unique playstyle can make her a force to be reckoned with in the bot lane. Constant vigilance and strategic use of her abilities can allow not only for survival in unconventional matchups but also for absolute lane dominance. This can create opportunities for your team while disrupting enemy strategies.

In terms of item build, Quinn benefits from items that bolster her damage output and enhance her mobility. Items such as Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer can significantly boost her damage, while Boots of Swiftness can enhance her roaming potential.

To maximize Quinn’s potential, it’s essential to maintain aggressive lane pressure while capitalizing on her roving capabilities. In doing so, Quinn can serve as an off-meta ADC that brings a unique edge to your team’s gameplay.


  • Press the Attack
  • Overheal
  • Legend: Bloodline
  • Cut Down
  • Eyeball Collection
  • Treasure Hunter


  • Berserker’s Greaves
  • Immortal Shieldbow
  • Stormrazor
  • Kraken Slayer
  • Infinity Edge
  • Bloodthirster

2. Soraka

Soraka is an unconventional choice for an off meta ADC, capable of creating a unique bot lane dynamic that can surprise and overwhelm opponents.

Rather than being pigeonholed as a healer, Soraka can be a formidable damage dealer with the correct itemization, paving the way for a potentially dominant lane presence.

The secret to Soraka’s ADC prowess lies in her ability to leverage AD itemization to its fullest extent. By focusing on items that boost attack speed and damage output, she can transform into an unexpected threat.

Coupled with her high sustain, she can remain at the forefront, continuously dealing damage while maintaining her health.

The element of surprise is a significant factor in Soraka’s success as an ADC. Opponents familiar with her primary role as a healer are often caught off guard by her damage dealing capabilities.

This unexpected change in dynamics can put them on the back foot, creating opportunities for your team to gain an upper hand.

Soraka’s capacity to synergize with damage-dealing supports further solidifies her capabilities as an ADC. Her inherent healing abilities can keep her support in the fight longer, enabling them to apply persistent pressure and inflict consistent damage.

This unique partnership can create overwhelming lane dominance, turning the bot lane into a fortress that your team controls.

When choosing runes, it’s crucial to prioritize ones that enhance her attack speed and damage output. Shifting away from traditional healer runes to a more aggressive setup can make Soraka a formidable ADC.

While she might initially seem like an odd choice, Soraka’s potential as an ADC shouldn’t be underestimated.

Her ability to shift roles, catch opponents off guard, and form a robust partnership with damage-dealing supports makes her a potent, unexpected force in the bot lane.


  • Fleet Footwork
  • Presence of Mind
  • Legend: Bloodline
  • Cut Down
  • Taste of Blood
  • Treasure Hunter


  • Kraken Slayer
  • Rapid Firecannon
  • Essence Reaver
  • Navori Quickblades
  • Infinity Edge
  • Berserker’s Greaves

3. Graves

Shifting away from traditional ADCs, Graves stands as a formidable alternative. He introduces an entirely different dynamic to the bot lane, deviating from the norm with his high-damage kit and unique reloaded mechanic.

Graves’ reloaded mechanic allows him to fire two shots before necessitating a short reload. While on the surface, this mechanic may seem restrictive, it actually introduces an element of strategic play.

One must time their shots meticulously to maximize damage output, which could very well be the deciding factor between securing a kill or letting your opponent escape.

Furthermore, this champion offers both offensive and defensive utility courtesy of his dash and smoke screen abilities.

Graves’ dash, known as ‘Quickdraw,’ boosts his mobility and provides a temporary armor enhancement. It’s a flexible tool that can be used to engage, disengage, or skillfully dodge enemy skill shots.

His smoke screen ability, meanwhile, is a multifaceted tool that can disorient adversaries, obscure vision, and control space.

It’s essential to note that effective use of smoke screen can drastically shift the momentum of bot lane skirmishes, giving Graves and his support a significant edge.

Graves’ ultimate, ‘Collateral Damage,’ is a long-range powerhouse that can turn the tide of fights. Besides its potential as a potent finisher, capable of taking down multiple low-health enemies, the knockback effect shouldn’t be overlooked.

It can provide a quick escape or repositioning in challenging situations, adding yet another layer to Graves’ strategic prowess.

Graves’ playstyle demands a different approach compared to traditional ADCs, but this is what makes him an exciting off-meta choice. His high damage output and versatile abilities equip him to be a dominating force in the bot lane.

Those willing to take on this high-risk, high-reward ADC need to adapt their playstyle, but the rewards of mastering Graves can be tremendous.

This champion truly shines when players can capitalize on his unique mechanics and adapt to the strategic depth he brings to the bot lane.


  • Fleet Footwork
  • Triumph
  • Legend: Alacrity
  • Coup de Grace
  • Sudden Impact
  • Ultimate Hunter


  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity
  • Eclipse
  • The Collector
  • Serylda’s Grudge
  • Black Cleaver
  • Lord Dominik’s Regard

4. Veigar

Veigar, despite being a traditional mid-laner, can be a potent off-meta ADC in the right hands, thanks to his exceptional scaling and crowd control. Let’s delve into the factors that make Veigar a viable choice for this role.

Veigar’s standout trait as an ADC is his Phenomenal Scaling. His passive ability allows him to continuously stack AP, transforming him into a late-game powerhouse.

This scaling isn’t just tied to his kills or assists, but also to his farming ability. This ensures that even in a passive lane, Veigar can amass a significant amount of AP, making him consistently relevant throughout the game.

Another factor making Veigar a compelling choice for an off-meta ADC is his Strong Crowd Control. His Event Horizon (E) provides him with a stun, a rarity for ADCs, which can be utilized effectively for both offense and defense.

Whether it’s locking down an enemy for a kill, or creating a safety net against a gank, the utility of this ability is unmatched.

Veigar’s ultimate, Primordial Burst, provides him with substantial Burst Damage. This ability, scaling with the target’s missing health, means Veigar can be a significant threat to both squishy and tanky champions alike.

This allows Veigar to maintain a constant pressure on the enemy team, forcing them to play cautiously lest they get within his lethal range.

Veigar’s capabilities are further enhanced when paired with the right support. His high burst damage and crowd control synergizes well with supports that can lock down enemies, leading to Powerful Lane Dominance. This synergy can turn the bot lane into a kill lane, punishing enemy bot laners for the slightest misstep.

A word of caution, however. Veigar’s lack of mobility makes him susceptible to ganks and demands good positioning. But don’t let this discourage you.

With practice and the right mindset, you can leverage Veigar’s unique toolkit to create a powerful presence in the bot lane, marking him as a strong off-meta ADC contender for Season 13.


  • Electrocute
  • Cheap Shot
  • Eyeball Collection
  • Ultimate Hunter
  • Transcendence
  • Gathering Storm


  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity
  • Luden’s Tempest
  • Banshee’s Veil
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap
  • Void Staff
  • Horizon Focus

5. Bard

Bard, traditionally not a typical choice for ADC, has been gaining traction as a potent off-meta ADC in Season 13. While most players might associate Bard with a supportive role, what makes him an intriguing option as an ADC is his ability to output high damage, given an AP build.

Bard’s potential as an ADC isn’t solely dependent on his impressive damage output. He can be considered a versatile champion due to his unique toolkit.

This toolkit enables Bard to adapt to various situations, increasing his lane dominance and overall lane presence.

The quintessential feature of Bard’s ADC potential is his passive, Traveler’s Call. This ability escalates the range and damage of his auto-attacks with each chime collected, which makes Bard a daunting adversary in the later stages of the game.

This mechanic transforms his role from a mere support to a significant damage dealer, capable of dishing out considerable damage from a safe distance.

In addition to his damage output, Bard’s utility skills further enhance his effectiveness. His healing ability, Caretaker’s Shrine, provides lane sustain, a critical factor for maintaining lane presence.

Furthermore, his Magical Journey ability opens up unique movement options for both defensive and offensive strategies, increasing his adaptability on the field.

Bard’s ultimate, Tempered Fate, is arguably his most impactful tool. This ability can freeze all units in a large radius, resulting in critical crowd control during team fights. The utility it provides creates openings for your team to exploit, turning the tide of battles in your favor.

Lastly, Bard’s ADC potential is accentuated when paired with support-like champions that can deal damage. Champions such as Swain or Zyra can complement Bard’s playstyle, their crowd control, and damage capabilities ensuring the pressure in the bot lane is evenly distributed.

As a whole, it’s evident that Bard’s potential as an off-meta ADC stems not only from his damage output but also from his unique and versatile skillset. This combination makes him a force to be reckoned with in the bot lane, and a formidable off-meta ADC choice in Season 13.


  • Press the Attack
  • Triumph
  • Legend: Alacrity
  • Coup de Grace
  • Transcendence
  • Gathering Storm


  • Berserker’s Greaves
  • Galeforce
  • Rapid Firecannon
  • Infinity Edge
  • Bloodthirster
  • Mortal Reminder

6. Teemo

In the realm of off-meta ADC champions, Teemo stands out as an intriguing option. This Yordle scout, often overlooked, can rapidly shift the momentum of the game when utilized in the ADC role.

His distinctive toolkit allows him to counter traditional ADC champions effectively, thereby establishing a dominant presence in the lane.

The Blinding Dart (Q) ability serves as Teemo’s initial defense against enemy ADCs by nullifying their auto-attacks. This functionality gives Teemo a significant advantage during duels, often resulting in successful trades.

However, it’s not just about the strength of this ability, but also the timing. Proper use of Blinding Dart can disrupt your opponent’s rhythm and leave them struggling to regain momentum.

Teemo’s build path is remarkably flexible, accommodating both AP and AD itemizations. This adaptability allows Teemo to respond effectively to varying game dynamics and enemy team structures. Therefore, understanding when to favor which build path should be a central part of your strategy.

Teemo’s mushrooms (R), while often seen as mere traps, play a pivotal role in area control and gank prevention. Strategic mushroom placement can’t only deter enemy junglers but also dictate the flow of engagements.

This means that a well-placed mushroom can force engagements under favorable conditions or disengage when the situation looks bleak.

Despite Teemo’s lack of crowd control, he synergizes exceptionally well with CC-heavy supports. A well-executed CC from your support, followed by your burst, can result in swift eliminations.

This highlights the importance of communication and synergy with your support for maximizing Teemo’s effectiveness.

Beyond his abilities, Teemo’s stealth mechanic adds another layer to his lane dominance. The ability to go invisible when stationary enables unique ambush opportunities that can catch enemies off guard.

Therefore, while Teemo may not be a conventional ADC pick, his distinct abilities and adaptability allow him to shine as a potent off-meta choice.

Mastering Teemo’s kit and understanding the subtleties of his playstyle can catch your opponents off guard and provide your team with a strategic curveball they didn’t expect.


  • Press the Attack
  • Triumph
  • Legend: Alacrity
  • Coup de Grace
  • Bone Plating
  • Overgrowth


  • Berserker’s Greaves
  • Kraken Slayer
  • Blade of the Ruined King
  • Runaan’s Hurricane
  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade
  • Wit’s End

7. Heimerdinger

As we delve into unconventional picks for an ADC, Heimerdinger emerges as a compelling choice due to his unique mechanics that enable him to exert considerable dominance in the bot lane.

His strength primarily stems from his exceptional ability to control the lane, using his turrets not only as a tool for pushing or poking enemies but also as a protective shield against potential ganks.

Strategic placement of Heimerdinger’s turrets can create a formidable defense, deterring enemies from initiating a dive. Furthermore, the damage output of the turrets shouldn’t be underestimated, as they can help secure kills when your opponents least expect it.

Venturing beyond Heimerdinger’s abilities, it’s noteworthy to mention how he can adapt to various support choices. He pairs exceptionally well with aggressive supports, who can capitalize on the pressure and space created by his turrets to land crowd control abilities or initiate fights.

This synergistic relationship can lead to a daunting bot lane, fostering an environment where your lead can snowball towards victory.

A thorough understanding of Heimerdinger’s strengths as an off-meta ADC pick requires a deep comprehension of turret placement and a sharp awareness of bot lane dynamics.

It’s not just about using his turrets for offense and defense, but also about how you can leverage his turrets to influence the lane’s control and your opponents’ decisions.

A successful Heimerdinger player can leverage these strategies to exert a powerful lane presence, resulting in a potent ADC pick that can significantly impact the game’s outcome.

This level of lane domination, if mastered, can turn Heimerdinger into a formidable ADC, capable of guiding your team towards victory in League of Legends Season 13.


  • Arcane Comet
  • Manaflow Band
  • Transcendence
  • Scorch
  • Magical Footwear
  • Cosmic Insight


  • Sorcerer’s Shoes
  • Liandry’s Anguish
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap
  • Morellonomicon
  • Void Staff

8. Cassiopeia

In the realm of off-meta ADCs, Cassiopeia emerges as a compelling choice for players seeking a dynamic and potentially game-changing pick in League of Legends Season 13.

Cassiopeia’s unique blend of control, poke, and scaling can disrupt traditional bot lane dynamics and provide your team with an unexpected edge.

A crucial factor in Cassiopeia’s success as an off-meta ADC lies in her poison-based damage. Her Twin Fang (E) and Noxious Blast (Q) enable a gradual wear-down of opponents, creating a scenario where they’re forced to either retreat or face a lethal blow.

This approach can keep enemies on the back foot, allowing Cassiopeia to secure a strong foothold in the lane.

Control is another key aspect that sets Cassiopeia apart. Her Miasma (W) is instrumental in dictating the rhythm of the game. The ability to disable enemy movement skills not only deters potential ganks but also disrupts enemy initiations.

This can effectively make the bot lane a less inviting prospect for enemy junglers, and make it easier for Cassiopeia and her support to establish dominance.

Cassiopeia’s zoning potential is another defining factor. The combination of her Q and W can effectively keep enemies at bay, disrupting their positioning and creating opportunities for your team to capitalise on. This ability to control the lane can often leave traditional ADCs struggling to keep up.

It’s worth noting that Cassiopeia’s potency isn’t just limited to the early game. Her high AP ratios mean she scales well into the late game.

This ensures that she remains a significant threat throughout the match’s duration, even when early game encounters don’t go as planned.

Taking these factors into account, it becomes clear that Cassiopeia offers an unexpected but potent off-meta ADC option.

While her gameplay demands a different approach than traditional ADCs, her unique strengths can bring a fresh layer of complexity to matches, creating opportunities for teams to seize the upper hand unexpectedly.


  • Conqueror
  • Presence of Mind
  • Legend: Tenacity
  • Coup de Grace
  • Transcendence
  • Gathering Storm


  • Sorcerer’s Shoes
  • Liandry’s Anguish
  • Seraph’s Embrace
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass
  • Morellonomicon
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap

9. Ziggs

Ziggs stands as a versatile and unconventional choice for an ADC in Season 13. This explosive Yordle, typically seen in the mid-lane, brings a unique dynamic to the bot lane that can throw off opponents and break traditional lane expectations.

His ability to deliver high poke damage and wave clear through his Bouncing Bomb (Q) and Hexplosive Minefield (E) allows for continuous pressure against enemies.

This constant harass from a safe distance can frustrate opponents, disrupt their farm, and ultimately force them into a defensive posture. Such lane dominance creates opportunities for your team to secure objectives or set up ganks.

Ziggs’s Satchel Charge (W) is an essential part of his off-meta appeal. This ability doesn’t only offer Ziggs an escape tool but also has the unique function of demolishing turrets when they’re below a certain health threshold.

This can lead to surprising lane pushes and early tower destructions that can significantly impact the game’s pace and map control.

Moreover, the power of Ziggs’s Mega Inferno Bomb (R) in team fights can’t be understated. This ultimate ability not only deals considerable AOE damage but can also serve as a psychological weapon, forcing enemies to scatter and disrupt their positioning. It’s a tool that can initiate fights, secure kills, or create chaos in the enemy’s strategy.

However, mastering Ziggs as an ADC requires a keen sense of skill-shot accuracy and map awareness. The effectiveness of his abilities largely depends on predicting enemy movements, and his ultimate can influence other lanes and objectives when used from a distance.

This means as a Ziggs ADC, you’re not just participating in bot lane skirmishes but also impacting the larger game map.

While his kit might be familiar to many players, it’s the creative application of his abilities and the shift in playstyle that makes Ziggs a compelling off-meta ADC choice. Each game becomes a chance to experiment with new strategies, pushing both you and your opponents out of their comfort zones.


  • Arcane Comet
  • Manaflow Band
  • Transcendence
  • Scorch
  • Biscuit Delivery
  • Cosmic Insight


  • Luden’s Tempest
  • Sorcerer’s Shoes
  • Archangel’s Staff
  • Morellonomicon
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap
  • Void Staff

10. Neeko

Looking to take your ADC strategy to the next level in Season 13? Neeko could be an unexpected yet rewarding selection. As an off-meta ADC, Neeko brings a unique approach to the bot lane, offering a disruptive presence that can catch enemies off guard, and even flip the scales in your favor.

A key aspect of Neeko’s strength as an ADC lies in her versatility. Whether you opt for an AP or AD build, she can adapt to the specific needs of your team and game situation. This adaptability can keep the enemy team guessing and disrupt their strategies.

In terms of her AP build, Neeko’s potential for high burst damage is a significant point of consideration. This isn’t about just blasting foes with abilities but using her deceptive capabilities to draw opponents into unfavorable engagements.

The late game is where this aspect of Neeko’s playstyle truly shines, with her burst damage potentially swinging team fights in your favor.

Alternatively, the benefits of an AD build with Neeko are substantial. Firstly, her enhanced kiting ability, courtesy of her W skill, allows you to deceive enemies, creating escape opportunities from dangerous situations.

The AD build also promotes better survivability, offering more sustain in fights and enabling you to stay in the mix for longer.

The increased poke damage offered by her long-range abilities, when paired with AD stats, provides a way to keep opponents at a distance. Furthermore, her flexibility between AP and AD builds allows for an element of surprise, keeping your opponents constantly on their toes.

The goal of playing Neeko as an ADC isn’t about topping the damage charts. Instead, it’s about creating chaos within the enemy ranks, capitalizing on their confusion, and seizing control of the game.

In other words, playing Neeko as an ADC is about leveraging her unique skill set to establish a powerful lane presence and assert dominance in your games.

As a result, Neeko shouldn’t be overlooked as an off-meta ADC in Season 13.


  • Press the Attack
  • Presence of Mind
  • Legend: Alacrity
  • Coup de Grace
  • Nimbus Cloak
  • Celerity


  • Berserker’s Greaves
  • Kraken Slayer
  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade
  • Runaan’s Hurricane
  • Blade of the Ruined Kings
  • Guardian Angel

11. Twisted Fate

Twisted Fate has a unique role in the ADC landscape of Season 13. As an unconventional choice, Twisted Fate offers a versatile playstyle that can adapt to different lane situations and shift the momentum in your favor.

One of Twisted Fate’s major strengths is his Pick A Card (W) ability, which provides various options during combat. This feature’s versatility is what makes Twisted Fate a strong contender in the ADC role. It’s not just about the stun, AoE damage or mana replenishment that his W provides, but the strategic potential behind each card.

For instance, the stun card can create opportunities for your team to strike, disrupt enemy tactics, and even control the pace of the game. This is a clear demonstration of how Twisted Fate establishes a dominating lane presence.

The blue card, while replenishing mana, also allows Twisted Fate to maintain constant pressure on opponents without worrying about running out of resources. The red card, typically used for wave clearing, can also be a tool to force opponents to keep their distance, putting you in control of the lane.

Twisted Fate’s Destiny (R) ability further enhances his off-meta ADC viability by providing global map pressure. The ability to teleport to any location on the map not only sets up surprise attacks, but also provides a strategic advantage by enabling you to participate in fights across the map.

The element of surprise and flexibility Destiny (R) offers is a crucial factor in both maintaining lane dominance and influencing other parts of the game.

Playing Twisted Fate as an ADC is about adaptability and unpredictability. His abilities are tools that, when used strategically, can turn the tide in your favor.

However, it’s not just his abilities that make him a strong off-meta ADC. His range, combined with the unpredictability of his W ability, can keep opponents on their toes, constantly guessing and adapting to your strategy.

The key to unlocking Twisted Fate’s potential isn’t just understanding his abilities but also comprehending the strategic depth behind each one.

This understanding will allow you to exploit his strengths fully, putting you in a position to dictate the flow of the game. This dynamic playstyle is what makes Twisted Fate a compelling and rewarding choice for off-meta ADC.


  • Press the Attack
  • Presence of Mind
  • Legend: Alacrity
  • Coup de Grace
  • Celerity
  • Gathering Storm


  • Berserker’s Greaves
  • Kraken Slayer
  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade
  • Runaan’s Hurricane
  • Phantom Dancer
  • Blade of the Ruined Kings

12. Yasuo

Delving into the world of off-meta ADC champions, we find Yasuo, an intriguing pick whose unique skill set creates an impactful presence in the bot lane.

Yasuo’s potential for dominance stems not only from his abilities but also from his playstyle, which requires mechanical prowess and strategic thinking.

Yasuo’s Wind Wall (W) is a powerful tool that, when used correctly, can provide significant advantages in trades and team fights. This ability has the potential to block a barrage of enemy projectiles, disrupting the opponents’ rhythm and offering your team a protective barrier.

The key to mastering this ability lies not only in the timing but also in the positioning, turning the tide of battles, and creating opportunities for your team.

When it comes to Yasuo’s Last Breath (R), it’s not just about the damage it inflicts but also about the strategic opportunities it offers. This ultimate can become a game-changer when synergized with the knock-up abilities of your allies.

The orchestration of such combinations can lead to devastating ‘wombo-combo’ setups, catching the enemy team off-guard and swinging the momentum in your favor.

Beyond his abilities, Yasuo’s strengths as an off-meta ADC lie in his high mobility and dueling prowess. His E, Sweeping Blade, allows him to weave in and out of combat, making him a hard target to catch.

This mobility isn’t just about dodging skill shots but also about positioning yourself favorably in trades and team fights.

One of Yasuo’s defining traits is his potential to be a formidable duelist. His Q, Steel Tempest, can output significant damage in one-on-one situations.

However, it’s not just about landing his Q but also understanding when to engage and when to back off. Yasuo is a champion that thrives in the right hands, rewarding players who know how to utilize his kit effectively.

As an ADC, Yasuo isn’t a traditional choice, but his potential to carry games is undeniable. With the right approach and a deep understanding of his playstyle, Yasuo can be an unexpected yet powerful force in the bot lane.


  • Conqueror
  • Triumph
  • Legend: Alacrity
  • Last Stand
  • Taste of Blood
  • Ravenous Hunter


  • Immortal Shieldbow
  • Berserker’s Greaves
  • Infinity Edge
  • Bloodthirster
  • Guardian Angel
  • Mortal Reminder

13. Akshan

Akshan, often overlooked, emerges as an unexpected yet potent pick for off-meta ADC in League of Legends. His unique combination of mobility and revival mechanics, along with his sniping capabilities, make him an unconventional but viable choice for this role.

Akshan’s mobility is a strategic advantage in the bot lane. His Heroic Swing (E) is more than a high-octane, acrobatic move. It’s a tool that can be leveraged to outmaneuver opponents, dodge skill shots, and initiate counter-attacks.

This ability allows Akshan to be highly elusive, making him a difficult target for enemy ADCs and supports. Mastering it can potentially disrupt the enemy’s lane control, leaving them off-balance and vulnerable.

An under-appreciated aspect of Akshan’s gameplay is his ability to control the game’s pacing. His Comeuppance (R) isn’t just a long-range finisher for low-health foes, but a revival lifeline that can alter the flow of a match.

By eliminating an enemy who recently killed an ally, Akshan can bring that teammate back into the fray. This aspect of his kit creates unexpected game-changing scenarios, providing your team with a chance to rebound when the odds are stacked against them.

Moreover, Akshan’s ability to snipe low-health enemies extends his influence beyond his lane. He can capitalize on skirmishes across the map, securing kills and assists from a distance. This capacity allows him to gather additional gold and experience, aiding in his scaling into the late game.

Akshan’s unique mechanics also allow for creative itemization, supporting a variety of playstyles. Whether you wish to maximize his mobility with items like Galeforce and Phantom Dancer or amplify his damage output with Infinity Edge and The Collector, you have the flexibility to adapt to the match’s requirements.

Essentially, embracing Akshan’s uniqueness can lead to surprising your opponents and potentially tipping the scales in your team’s favor.

His dexterity and revival mechanic, combined with his ability to snipe enemies from afar, make him a dynamic addition to any bot-lane duo. He’s a testament to the fact that venturing off the beaten path can sometimes lead to unexpected victories.


  • Press the Attack
  • Presence of Mind
  • Legend: Bloodline
  • Coup de Grace
  • Shield Bash
  • Bone Plating


  • Berserker’s Greaves
  • Immortal Shieldbow
  • Rapid Firecannon
  • The Collector
  • Wit’s End
  • Infinity Edge

14. Bard

In the realm of off-meta ADCs, Bard emerges as a compelling option that deviates from the norm but can still create a significant impact in the bot lane.

This is primarily due to his unique playstyle that hinges on battlefield manipulation and crowd control, instead of the usual ADC emphasis on damage output.

A crucial aspect of Bard’s strategic value lies in his Q ability, Cosmic Binding. Beyond its damage-dealing potential, the real value of this skill comes from its crowd control capabilities.

When used correctly, it can stun enemies against walls, providing the control needed to tip the scales of an engagement or aid in a tactical retreat.

However, the cornerstone of Bard’s role as an off-meta ADC is his R ability, Tempered Fate. This skill, when executed correctly, has the power to turn the tides of a game. It freezes enemies, allies, and even structures in time, opening up a smorgasbord of strategic possibilities – initiation, disengagement, or saving teammates from a grim fate.

Wielding Bard as an ADC also involves a healthy amount of roaming. His E ability, Magical Journey, equips him with an unmatched ability to traverse the map quickly, opening up opportunities to assist other lanes or secure objectives. However, it’s important to be mindful of the vulnerability of your ADC during these roaming periods.

The last piece of the Bard puzzle is his passive, Traveler’s Call. The chime collection mechanic it introduces promotes roaming, which is a unique aspect for an ADC. Each collected chime not only boosts Bard’s abilities but also provides experience, thus aiding in his late-game scaling.

Bringing Bard into the ADC role demands a certain strategic acumen and keen map awareness. Mastering his unconventional playstyle can be challenging, yet rewarding for those who can unlock his full potential.

Just remember – success with Bard is a result of strategic thinking, map awareness, and thoughtful use of his unique abilities.


  • Press the Attack
  • Triumph
  • Legend: Alacrity
  • Coup de Grace
  • Transcendence
  • Gathering Storm


  • Berserker’s Greaves
  • Galeforce
  • Rapid Firecannon
  • Infinity Edge
  • Bloodthirster
  • Mortal Reminder

15. Jayce

Jayce, frequently seen in the top lane, makes for an intriguing selection when considering off-meta ADC champions.

His flexibility and versatility extend possibilities beyond traditional ADC picks, allowing him to react effectively to various in-game situations.

The power of Jayce lies in his unique mechanic of switching between melee and ranged forms, functioning almost as two champions in one.

This duality empowers Jayce to control the flow of the game, dictating when and where fights happen. It also allows him to fit into various team compositions, making him an adaptable asset for any team.

From a strategic perspective, Jayce’s double-edged nature means you’re constantly keeping your opponents guessing. They’ll never know whether to expect a ranged poke or a melee engage, contributing to an unpredictable lane presence that keeps foes on their toes.

This psychological edge can be a potent weapon in its own right, disrupting enemy plans and opening up opportunities for your team.

While Jayce’s Q-E combo in his ranged form is a well-known artillery strike, it’s also a powerful zoning tool. By consistently landing this skill shot, you force your enemies to think twice before stepping forward, granting you more space to farm and control the wave.

His melee form, meanwhile, brings a surprising level of durability to the ADC role, paired with crowd control that can turn the tide in skirmishes.

It’s important to note, however, that Jayce’s strength comes with corresponding challenges. His absence of a standard escape mechanism means that positioning is paramount when playing this champion.

Moreover, his high skill ceiling requires an intimate understanding of his kit and the broader game mechanics. This need for knowledge and precision makes Jayce a rewarding, but daunting choice for those willing to invest the time.

As for itemization, Lethality items work well with Jayce’s kit, amplifying his ability to chunk down enemies’ health. Manamune into Eclipse provides a solid core build, offering damage, sustain, and poke potential.

In team fights, Jayce’s role can vary depending on the situation. He can poke and whittle down enemies before the fight, peel for his team with his melee form’s crowd control, or dive the enemy backline to take out high-value targets.

This dynamic potential is what sets Jayce apart from traditional ADCs and makes him a uniquely compelling choice.

Playing Jayce as an ADC is a testament to mastering adaptability, flexibility, and unpredictability in League of Legends. It’s a path less traveled, but for those willing to walk it, the rewards are immense.


  • Conqueror
  • Presence of Mind
  • Legend: Tenacity
  • Coup de Grace
  • Absolute Focus
  • Gathering Storm


  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity
  • Eclipse
  • Manamune
  • Serylda’s Grudge
  • Maw of Malmortius
  • Serpent’s Fang

16. Kennen

In the realm of off-meta ADCs, Kennen, the electric Yordle, emerges as a potent contender. This champion isn’t just about his damage output, but also his ability to effectively control the battlefield and dictate the pace of the game.

Kennen’s innate ability, Mark of the Storm, is a formidable tool in his arsenal. This ability is more than just a quick stun after several ability hits; it’s a psychological weapon that can be used to instill hesitation and fear in your opponents.

By strategically landing your abilities, you can keep enemies constantly on their toes, unsure of when the next stun might strike. This constant threat is a major factor in establishing lane dominance, forcing opponents to play defensively and cede control.

Thundering Shuriken, Kennen’s Q, isn’t just a primary source of poke damage but also a way to control the space in lane. With its high base damage and decent scaling, it forces enemies to respect your zone of influence and limits their movement options.

Successful hits not only chip away at their health but also further establish your dominance by dictating where they can and can’t go.

Electrical Surge, Kennen’s W, goes beyond merely enhancing his basic attacks. This ability is essential for maintaining pressure, particularly when paired with Kennen’s passive.

Successfully landing a W-empowered basic attack gives you an opportunity to follow up with the active component for additional magic damage, furthering your lane dominance.

Kennen’s R, Slicing Maelstrom, is the ace up his sleeve. More than just an AoE ability with massive damage, it’s a powerful tool for controlling space and dictating the flow of team fights. It forces enemies to scatter or risk being caught in its radius, creating opportunities for your team to capitalize on.

Mastering Kennen as an off-meta ADC goes beyond just understanding his abilities. It involves using these abilities creatively to exert psychological pressure, control space, and dictate the pace of the game.

This electric Yordle isn’t just a surprise pick; he’s a strategic weapon that can disrupt enemy strategies and provide an electrifying twist to your ADC gameplay.


  • Hail of Blades
  • Taste of Blood
  • Eyeball Collection
  • Ultimate Hunter
  • Triumph
  • Legend: Alacrity


  • Berserker’s Greaves
  • Kraken Slayer
  • Phantom Dancer
  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade
  • Blade of the Ruined Kings
  • Wit’s End

17. Kindred

Kindred stands out as a remarkable selection for an off-meta ADC, bringing a unique dynamic to the traditional ADC role.

Known for their excellent poke, scaling potential with collected marks, and distinctive gameplay style, Kindred provides a fresh perspective to the conventional team composition.

One of Kindred’s key strengths lies in their ability to roam effectively, which allows them to apply pressure across the map and keep the opposition constantly guessing.

This roaming prowess is due in part to their Q ability, Dance of Arrows, which offers not just damage but also mobility, enabling swift navigation through the map’s terrain. This can lead to unexpected ganks and escapes, increasing the element of surprise in your gameplay.

Moreover, Kindred’s W ability, Wolf’s Frenzy, can be a pivotal tool in gaining lane dominance. This ability creates a zone that empowers your other abilities, giving you an edge in trades and skirmishes – crucial aspects of establishing early-game control.

In terms of securing kills, Kindred’s E ability, Mounting Dread, plays an important role. It not only slows your opponent but also deals significant damage when activated correctly. This can prove invaluable in situations where you need that extra bit of damage to finish off an enemy champion.

However, what sets Kindred apart from other champions is their ultimate ability, Lamb’s Respite. This extraordinary ult creates a zone where death is temporarily impossible for all champions, friend or foe.

Once the duration ends, all champions within the zone receive a heal. This ability can dramatically shift the dynamics of a team fight, potentially saving allies at crucial moments and maintaining your team’s momentum.

Playing Kindred as an off-meta ADC may require practice, but their potential to control the battlefield and sway team fights is undeniable. With the right approach and understanding of their distinct abilities, Kindred can challenge traditional ADC norms and bring a unique, exciting playstyle to the game.

Harnessing their strengths can help you establish a powerful lane presence and achieve lane dominance, making Kindred a compelling choice for those willing to venture outside of the meta.


  • Press the Attack
  • Triumph
  • Legend: Alacrity
  • Coup de Grace
  • Sudden Impact
  • Ultimate Hunter


  • Berserker’s Greaves
  • Kraken Slayer
  • Rapid Firecannon
  • The Collector
  • Infinity Edge
  • Guardian Angel

18. Thresh

Thresh is a unique off-meta ADC choice, excelling in aggressive trading and enemy zoning, creating an impactful presence in the lane. His ability to dictate the flow of combat makes him a strategic asset, amplifying the potential of an aggressive playstyle.

Thresh’s prowess pivots around four central points:

  1. Passive Aggression: Thresh has a unique mechanic where his Flay ability charges up over time, inflicting impressive damage when fully charged. This makes him a potent threat in trades, forcing opponents to employ caution when engaging with him.
  2. Crowd Control: Thresh’s ability to control the battlefield extends beyond just damage. His hook and lantern utilities allow him to manipulate enemy movement, opening up windows of opportunity for your team and blocking the enemy’s progress.
  3. Zoning Potential: Thresh’s abilities enable him to effectively zone out enemies. His pressure can keep opponents at bay, making him an intimidating lane controller. This dominance can often lead to psychological advantages, causing enemies to hesitate and make mistakes.
  4. Aggressive All-Ins: The combination of Thresh’s crowd control and zoning capabilities makes him ideal for starting fights. The ability to lock down targets and secure kills, all while maintaining relative safety, creates a high-risk, high-reward scenario that can quickly turn the tide of a match.

Mastering Thresh can be a daunting task. His abilities demand precision and timely execution. However, achieving a level of mastery with Thresh makes him a formidable off-meta ADC.

His tools allow for a unique approach to the game, offering a different take on the ADC role that can catch opponents off guard.

Thresh thrives in the chaos of short, aggressive trades and can often turn an unfavorable situation to his advantage. His ability to control and dictate the pace of the lane allows teams to apply constant pressure on opponents, leading to lane dominance and ultimately, victory.


  • Lethal Tempo
  • Triumph
  • Legend: Alacrity
  • Coup de Grace
  • Eyeball Collection
  • Treasure Hunter

19. Xerath

Xerath stands out as one of the compelling options for an off-meta ADC. This unconventional pick not only brings a unique playstyle to the game, but also provides an unexpected challenge to your opponents.

The selection of Xerath for the ADC role can be attributed to his long-range poke abilities and high damage output.

While traditionally a mage, Xerath’s kit displays potent attributes suitable for the ADC role. His wave control and poke potential are primarily derived from his Arcanopulse (Q) and Eye of Destruction (W).

These abilities establish a balance between maintaining a safe distance from enemy champions and asserting lane dominance. They enable you to exert constant pressure on your adversaries, compelling them into defensive play or risking substantial damage.

An important element to consider here is the strategic depth brought by Xerath’s ultimate ability, Rite of the Arcane (R).

This ability allows you to contribute significantly to team fights even from afar, by sniping low-health enemies. It demands precise aiming and timing from the player, but its successful execution can turn the tide of a battle.

However, it’s worth noting that playing Xerath as ADC comes with its own set of challenges. The character’s inherent squishy nature can make him susceptible to enemy attacks.

Additionally, the lack of consistent auto-attack damage – a characteristic feature of traditional ADCs – means that your gameplay will heavily rely on the successful use of abilities.

But a mastery of these abilities can turn the tables in your favor. A well-timed Arcanopulse can keep enemies at bay while a well-placed Eye of Destruction can whittle down enemy health bars.

And let’s not forget the potential havoc a well-aimed Rite of the Arcane can wreak on the enemy team.

Xerath’s unique gameplay dynamics offer a fresh perspective on the ADC role. His abilities, when used strategically, can create a powerful lane presence and establish lane dominance – crucial aspects for any ADC.

With practice and a deep understanding of this champion, you can exploit Xerath’s full potential in your ADC role, making your presence felt on Summoner’s Rift.


  • Arcane Comet
  • Manaflow Band
  • Transcendence
  • Scorch
  • Taste of Blood
  • Ravenous Hunter


  • Luden’s Echo
  • Sorcerer’s Shoes
  • Morellonomicon
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass
  • Void Staff

20. Senna

Senna, often overlooked as an off-meta ADC, offers unique advantages in this role, defying the traditional ADC meta with her unique kit and playstyle.

Her strengths lie not only in her abilities but also in her adaptability, range, and healing power, which collectively contribute to a strong lane presence and potential for lane dominance.

One of Senna’s key strengths as an off-meta ADC is her Piercing Darkness (Q). More than just a poke and sustain tool, it’s a means of exerting pressure on your adversaries and controlling the battlefield.

This ability’s dual function – damaging enemies while healing allies – gives Senna a unique edge in maintaining lane control. It’s not about simply knowing this ability; it’s about knowing when to use it for maximum effect.

Senna’s Last Embrace (W), while typically seen as a utility for team fights, can be strategically utilized in the lane phase to lock down the enemy ADC or prevent engagement. The potential to root multiple enemies can disrupt the enemy’s plans and provide opportunities for your team to capitalize on.

Her Dawning Shadow (R), a global ability, illustrates Senna’s adaptability and reach. It’s not just about securing kills from afar or supporting distant team fights – it’s about map awareness, strategic positioning, and timing. This ability amplifies Senna’s presence, making her a threat not just in her lane, but across the entire map.

Finally, Senna’s range and healing capabilities, derived from her passive and Q ability respectively, set her apart from typical ADCs. Her ability to extend her range as the game progresses allows her to dictate engagements on her terms, while her healing power provides sustainability that few other ADCs can match.

Playing Senna as an off-meta ADC isn’t about exploiting her abilities in isolation, but understanding how they can be combined to create a powerful lane presence and dominate the game. As a Senna ADC, you’re not just playing a role, you’re reshaping what that role can be.


  • Glacial Augment
  • Magical Footwear
  • Biscuit Delivery
  • Approach Velocity
  • Presence of Mind
  • Legend: Alacrity


  • Manamune
  • Boots of Swiftness
  • Duskblade of Draktharr
  • Rapid Firecannon
  • Infinity Edge
  • Mortal Reminder
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Hello, Summoners! I'm Chris Lee, the face behind LaneLectures. Peaking at Master (459 LP) in Season 12 and with nearly a decade in the League of Legends arena, I've explored the depths of this complex game. Now, with LaneLectures, I aim to share the crucial tips and insights garnered over the years to help you climb the ranked ladder. Whether you're battling out of Elo Hell or eyeing the prestigious Challenger tier, together we'll navigate the strategies to reach your League of Legends goals!