25 Best Off Meta Supports in League of Legends Right Now (Season 13)

Chris Lee
Chris Lee 41 Min Read

In the dynamic arena of League of Legends, the conventional support playbook often falls short.

Enter the realm of the unexpected, where champions like Veigar defy roles, turning the tide of bot lane battles with their unconventional methods.

Our expertly crafted guide to the 25 best off-meta supports challenges the norm, offering strategies that can surprise your adversaries and carve a path to victory!

1. Sion

With the latest updates in League of Legends, Sion has emerged as a surprisingly strong non-traditional support choice.

Traditional picks may not always be sufficient when you aim to surprise and control the bot lane through unpredictability.

Sion’s abilities, typically used in the top lane, offer a mix of crowd control, resilience, and lane dominance that can take adversaries by surprise.

The subtleties of Sion’s role as a non-traditional support deserve recognition. His Q, Decimating Smash, acts as an effective area denial tool, and with precise placement, you can prevent the enemy ADC from farming or assist in securing a kill.

The E ability, Roar of the Slayer, serves not only for harassment but also for managing minion waves and applying light crowd control.

Not to overlook, his ultimate, Unstoppable Onslaught, can change the outcome of a fight or help secure a kill when assistance arrives from the jungle.

Even when Sion falls, his passive, Glory in Death, means he can still pose a threat. Playing intelligently is key because the effectiveness of Sion in a non-traditional support capacity depends on your adaptability and the ability to use his strengths in new ways.

It’s about the liberty to try new strategies and the excitement of succeeding against all odds.

2. Veigar

Choosing Veigar as your support character in League of Legends can surprise your opponents. This master of evil may not be a common sight in the bot lane as a support, but surprise can work to your advantage.

Veigar’s Event Horizon (E) is a formidable skill, creating a cage that stuns enemies who touch its perimeter.

In the role of support, stacking Ability Power isn’t your priority; instead, your role is about controlling areas and assisting in taking down enemies.

You present a threat that demands attention; a misstep by an opponent can result in a stun and burst of damage that might initiate a successful attack or protect against attacking opponents.

Choosing Veigar means you’re more than just a support – you transform into a powerful force as the game progresses.

Each spell you or your opponents cast increases your AP, thanks to your passive ability, Phenomenal Evil Power. This makes you both a controller of the crowd and a growing threat.

Your presence in the lane requires your enemies to play carefully and with respect. They must always be wary of your Event Horizon or risk being stunned and watching their health diminish quickly.

With Veigar in your control, you break away from traditional play and have the influence to set the game’s tempo.

3. Pantheon

Every Pantheon support pick adds an assertive quality to your bot lane duo, with his spear and shield at the ready for combat. The capacity of this champion to dominate the pace of the lane with unwavering aggression and potential for decisive moves is undeniable.

With experience, you’ll value Pantheon’s ability to tilt the balance in your team’s favor, especially when you desire a break from standard support choices.

Choosing Pantheon as your support means opting for a style centered on taking control and leading the rhythm of play. Here is a breakdown of what makes Pantheon a remarkable non-traditional choice:

  • Spear Shot (Q): A powerful tool for poking at adversaries, it allows you to establish dominance right from the start.
  • Aegis of Zeonia (W): A stunning engage tool that also sets up opportunities for elimination, complementing aggressive marksmen well.
  • Heartseeker Strike (E): Useful for clearing minion waves and reducing incoming damage, which is vital for beneficial exchanges.
  • Grand Starfall (R): Provides the ability to influence the game across the map, not just within your own lane.

With these capabilities, you become more than a support; you transform into a significant threat.

Pantheon enables you to guide your team toward success, capturing the essence of those who challenge conventional playstyles.

4. Ivern

Exploring unconventional support options, Ivern emerges as a distinctive choice that can transform how you play in the support role.

This often-ignored, jovial tree-like character introduces an invigorating approach to the bot lane with skills that provide both defense and interference. Here is a brief overview:

Utility and PeelVulnerable Early Game
Objective ControlUnique Kit
Engage/DisengageNeeds Team Synergy

Playing as Ivern, your role isn’t about inflicting damage; rather, your efforts center on enhancing your allies and exerting control over the area of engagement.

His Q ability, Rootcaller, is a dependable tool for initiating fights or helping your ADC retreat. Daisy, the character’s ultimate ability, can significantly influence the outcome of skirmishes, serving as an initiator and a disruptive element.

Adopting Ivern’s style of support requires courage and a profound grasp of game dynamics and your teammates’ strengths. Precise timing and spatial awareness are crucial, as your role will often involve orchestrating actions indirectly.

Choosing Ivern means you adopt a philosophy of altruistic gameplay. Becoming adept with this champion can liberate you from traditional support constraints and introduce a level of collaborative play rarely anticipated in the support position. Accept Ivern and let your strategic abilities flourish on the Rift.

5. Anivia

Anivia, as a support, provides a distinct array of abilities that can alter the dynamics on your team’s side of the fight.

Her capabilities for area control and disrupting the positioning of foes mean she can bring an unexpected advantage to the lower lane, often taking adversaries by surprise.

Her set of abilities is perfect for those who value strategic complexity and the opportunity to outwit the opposition.

Here are the attributes that make Anivia a formidable choice for a non-traditional support role:

  • Zone Control: Her ultimate, Glacial Storm, can slow and inflict damage on enemies within its reach. This is ideal for claiming objectives or defending your ADC.
  • Stun and Distance Harassment: Flash Frost (Q) enables you to stun opponents from afar, which can lead to securing kills or deterring enemy advances.
  • Strategic Barrier: Crystallize (W) can separate opponents, obstruct paths, and safeguard your teammates, serving as a multipurpose tool during conflicts.
  • Resilience Through Rebirth: Anivia’s passive, Rebirth, offers a second chance during skirmishes, which can often tip the scales between victory and defeat in a close fight.

Welcome the innovative approach of Anivia as a support. Your analytical skills and tactical awareness will make the most of her capabilities, altering the course of battle and surprising those who might underestimate the effectiveness of unconventional strategies.

6. Lee Sin

Lee Sin’s ability to adapt as a fighter and assassin makes him a surprising yet effective support option that can disrupt the enemy’s strategy.

His agility and potential for initiating plays give Lee Sin a distinctive angle of support that thrives on autonomy and inventiveness. Your role isn’t just to protect your ADC; you become a threat across the map.

AspectLee Sin SupportOther Supports
EngageStrong (Sonic Wave/Resonating Strike)Varies
PeelModerate (Dragon’s Rage)Usually Strong
UtilityLow (no heals/shields)High (buffs, heals, shields)

Looking at this table, it’s clear that Lee Sin is exceptional at initiating combat, enabling you to control engagements and surprise enemies with precision.

His ability to protect allies is conditional but can change the course of a game when using Dragon’s Rage to repel threats. Nonetheless, he does not provide the usual support utilities like healing and shielding.

When playing Lee Sin as a support, you should take an active and opportunistic approach. Roam to gain vision control and prepare for actions across the map.

You are not confined to a passive lane phase—your presence is the driving force behind your team’s success. Adopt this unconventional freedom and make the map your domain.

7. Ashe

While you mightn’t usually think of Ashe when picking a support character, her capabilities to initiate and control vision can provide a distinct strategic advantage in your team’s bottom lane play.

If you’re an adept player, you know that the usual choices can sometimes become monotonous. Using Ashe in a support role can infuse new life into your approach, surprising adversaries and disrupting their expectations.

Let’s examine her nontraditional support abilities:

  • Hawkshot (E): Offers unmatched vision across the map, enabling you to monitor the movements of the enemy jungler and help secure objectives without the need for numerous wards.
  • Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R): A far-reaching stun that can begin engagements or rescue allies from a distance. Its capacity for creating opportunities is significant, often swaying skirmishes to your advantage.
  • Volley (W): Delivers steady harassment and lane dominance, which can compel the foe to adopt a defensive stance, thereby allowing your ADC more freedom to gather resources.
  • Frost Shot (Q/Passive): Reduces enemy movement speed, aiding in isolating targets or defending your damage dealers.

Employing Ashe in a support capacity requires a tactical approach and the courage to challenge standard practices. Your goal isn’t merely to triumph; it’s to innovate.

With astute positioning and awareness of the surroundings, your Ashe support can dictate the flow of the game in ways typical supports may not be able to.

Welcome the chance to play outside the meta, and let Ashe’s chilling arrows lead you to success.

8. Neeko

Neeko’s deceptive abilities offer unexpected control over opponents and zoning capabilities, making her an effective non-traditional support option. Her skill to mimic any ally throws off enemy tactics and expectations.

In the bot lane, her masquerade generates chaos, often causing opponents to waste key abilities and summoner spells.

When examining her abilities, Neeko’s Q, Blooming Burst, turns into a powerful poking tool when used with the support item Spellthief’s Edge.

Hitting an opponent with her E, Tangle-Barbs, guarantees the full impact of Blooming Burst, enhancing your ability to harass in lane. This root can also preemptively ward off enemy aggression, protecting your ADC.

Her ultimate, Pop Blossom, is where her support prowess truly shines. Used in conjunction with Flash or her passive’s stealth, it allows for initiating impactful engagements.

Success depends on your ability to approach unseen—mastering Neeko’s stealthy advance means you can stun opponents without being confined to predictable support routes.

Neeko provides the freedom to orchestrate plays. She represents unpredictability and requires a creative take on the support role. Break free from conventional support strategies and use Neeko’s potential to outwit and outplay.

Your role extends beyond mere sustain; it’s about causing disruption and claiming dominance.

9. Fiddlesticks

Neeko may alter the course of battle with her cunning, yet Fiddlesticks’ terror can disrupt with equal potency when placed in an off-meta support role.

Utilizing fear and silence, he can dominate the field of play. Although he may typically lurk within the jungle, when positioned in the bot lane, his capacity for altering the course of the game is unmistakable.

Let’s analyze why Fiddlesticks thrives as a support:

  • Crowstorm Surprise: His ultimate, Crowstorm, is a formidable tool for engagement. Coupled with control over vision, it becomes a terror-inducing method to start skirmishes or claim objectives.
  • Terrify: His Q ability, Terrify, is a targeted fear effect, which provides a dependable way to control key adversaries, particularly in a duo lane where protecting your ADC is key.
  • Bountiful Harvest: His W ability, Bountiful Harvest, grants lane sustainability, enabling you to endure harassment and prevail in drawn-out exchanges.
  • Dark Wind: His E ability, Dark Wind, silences enemies and can bounce between them, interrupting abilities that require channeling and causing disruption in team communications during battles.

With strategic insight, one will see that Fiddlesticks possesses a distinctive mix of control and area denial abilities. Using his abilities strategically can create disarray among opponents, causing them to struggle against a backdrop of fear.

10. Shen

In the domain of unexpected bot lane guardians, Shen stands out with his global presence and protective abilities.

His ultimate, Stand United, impacts the game from the start, turning him into a global threat capable of swaying skirmishes across the Summoner’s Rift.

This ability doesn’t merely support your ADC; it offers protection to every team member, creating omnipresence that can frustrate the enemy’s attempts to secure kills.

Looking at Shen’s abilities, his potential for defending allies is noteworthy. His Spirit’s Refuge creates a zone blocking auto-attacks, invaluable for shielding your carry against enemy marksmen or assassins.

This is augmented by his Shadow Dash, which taunts adversaries and serves as a means to initiate or retreat, granting flexible control over team engagements and positioning.

For players with a wealth of experience, the element of surprise serves as a formidable weapon. Shen, being an unconventional choice, often surprises adversaries.

They may not be ready to handle the intricacies of facing a Shen in the support role, granting you a psychological advantage.

Opting for Shen means choosing freedom in how you play, venturing into new territories that can lead to rewarding victories.

11. Galio

Another unconventional pick you mightn’t have thought about is Galio, whose impressive stature in the bot lane can be as protective and commanding as any traditional support.

Choosing Galio means you’re selecting a champion whose abilities are unexpectedly well-suited for a supportive role, even if he’s not typically recognized for it.

  • Crowd Control: Galio comes equipped with a range of CC, vital for initiating kills and defending your ADC.
  • AoE Taunt: His ultimate ability, Hero’s Entrance, can change the momentum of a small clash or a larger team battle.
  • Magic Shield: Galio’s passive provides a magic damage shield to an ally, enhancing your pair’s defenses against AP-focused opponents.
  • Poke and Zone: His Q skill, Winds of War, offers strong poke and zoning capabilities to manage lane control.

Galio’s capacity to administer significant crowd control makes him a powerful non-standard support. His abilities allow for bold strategies, preparing your carry for victory while blocking enemy actions with his AoE taunt.

Galio also acts as a robust guard against magic damage, which is a smart choice against opponents relying on AP.

Accept the flexibility of an unconventional selection and enjoy the strategic advantage Galio can provide to your bot lane partnership.

12. Ziggs

Ziggs’s explosive toolkit serves as an unconventional yet potent form of support, transforming the bottom lane into a danger zone for opponents caught off guard.

His consistent poke damage and control over the area compel adversaries to reposition to avoid being hit by a continuous onslaught of abilities.

Your actions don’t merely chip away at their health; you’re also imposing mental pressure, dictating the flow of battle.

When evaluating Ziggs in a supportive role, his strengths are apparent in his siege and control capabilities. His Satchel Charge (W) can scatter enemy groups or rescue allies when necessary.

The Mega Inferno Bomb (R) is a powerful asset for shifting the dynamics of group skirmishes from a distance or for claiming objectives with its extensive reach.

Here’s a brief overview of Ziggs’s support functions:

AbilityUtilityImpact in Bottom Lane
Q – Bouncing BombPoke/DamagePressures the enemy ADC to farm cautiously
W – Satchel ChargeDisengage/EngageProtects ADC or helps in securing eliminations
E – Hexplosive MinefieldControl over territoryBlocks areas, helps in taking or challenging objectives

Choosing Ziggs as an off-standard path in play, you’ll see that the option to defy conventional choices can be freeing and strategically advantageous.

Outsmart and outmaneuver traditional support characters by perfecting the art of explosive interference.

13. Heimerdinger

Welcoming innovation, Heimerdinger’s distinct approach to support reimagines the laning phase with his capacity to zone and control territory through his clever devices.

Shifting him from the mid lane to the support role doesn’t just equip you with unexpected tactics for your opponents; it allows you to strategically alter the landscape of the bot lane.

  • H-28G Evolution Turret: This skill is central to Heimerdinger’s territorial control, delivering persistent damage and denying enemies access to areas.
  • CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade: A precisely thrown grenade can change the outcome of a fight, offering crowd control and the chance to activate your turrets twice.
  • Hextech Micro-Rockets: These rockets provide poking and burst capabilities, penalizing those who underestimate Heimerdinger’s output as a support.
  • UPGRADE!!!: His ultimate enhances his other skills, allowing for adaptability in various game situations, whether a larger turret, a paralyzing grenade, or a volley of rockets is needed.

As a strategic thinker, you recognize that Heimerdinger’s unorthodox approach to support is nuanced. His arsenal isn’t just about sheer strength; it’s about crafting chances and applying pressure in unique ways that conventional supports do not.

You’re not just adhering to the meta—you’re questioning it, and with the right approach, Heimerdinger’s support offers a break from standard play and the opportunity to outmaneuver your competition at each phase.

14. Shaco

Heimerdinger’s skill in transforming the bot lane sets the stage for Shaco’s unique brand of turmoil, as his tricky playstyle transforms the support role into a psychological challenge that you’ll come to dominate.

As someone who enjoys unconventional picks, you understand the excitement of upsetting the status quo.

Shaco, the Demon Jester, shines in this role, not only through ambushing or initiating fights but by setting up areas of control with his Jack in the Boxes.

You’ll make the most of hidden areas, setting snares that instill terror and chip away at adversaries before a fight even starts. Your boxes aren’t merely for defensive purposes; they’re strategic pieces in a match where you constantly maintain the upper hand.

Shaco’s Q, Deceive, provides exceptional agility, allowing you to weave through battles, enticing opponents to waste their abilities. This is a strategic element that requires skill, and you manage it with the dexterity of a virtuoso.

Keep in mind, your function isn’t to accumulate eliminations; it’s to create confusion, break up enemy lines, and guard your ADC. You’ll employ your double from Hallucinate to make foes question every decision.

In a game often bound by norms, you’re the disruptor, converting each contest into an arena where unpredictability is the only constant. With Shaco, you don’t merely support – you conduct chaos.

15. Twitch

Twitch, often taking the role of a marksman, offers a distinctive twist when adopted as a support, with his abilities focused on stealth and applying poison.

His unique ability set can disrupt the expected flow of bottom lane encounters, allowing for strategic surprise attacks that can shift the balance of the early game.

When you play Twitch in a support role, keep these abilities in mind:

  • Ambush (Q): Use stealth to gain advantageous positioning for initiating unexpected fights or to get out of difficult situations.
  • Venom Cask (W): This skill not only adds stacks of Deadly Venom to several enemies but also reduces their speed, which helps your ADC in targeting foes who are at a disadvantage.
  • Contaminate (E): Use this skill to deal a sudden burst of damage after you have applied several poison stacks to the enemy, possibly catching them off guard and tipping the balance to your side.
  • Rat-ta-tat-tat (R): Although usually a marksman’s tool, your ultimate can still contribute significant damage in team fights from the support position, surprising enemies with its increased range.

Taking on Twitch as a support means you’re not just going against the typical gameplay—you’re redefining what it means to play the role.

Your approach relies on being unpredictable and seizing opportunities, creating an exciting path for those who enjoy challenging traditional gameplay methods.

16. Amumu

Occasionally, you may encounter an Amumu support champion bringing opponents to defeat in the bot lane, demonstrating that his unique abilities can still have a notable influence.

This wrapped-up figure isn’t a common choice for support, but conforming to the standard isn’t your goal, right? Your aim is to disrupt that standard.

Amumu’s Q, Bandage Toss, gives you the ability to engage adversaries from a distance, catching those who are out of position off guard. It serves not only as a way to start fights but also as your means to alter the outcome of a battle.

His ultimate, Curse of the Sad Mummy, is when you can truly shine. Using this ability with good timing can immobilize the opposing team and create opportunities for your damage dealers.

You must be thoughtful about where you position yourself and how you use your skills, as Amumu’s abilities demand accuracy and planning.

Your passive, Cursed Touch, makes enemies less resistant to magic, which works well with allies who deal a lot of magical damage.

17. Ornn

Ornn as a support brings a unique set of skills that can surprise enemies with his item crafting abilities and control over the battlefield. His adaptability in the support role comes from a skill set that’s disruptive and offers benefits that go beyond traditional support roles.

Consider Ornn for these reasons:

  • Forge Anywhere: No need to be at the shop. Enhance your gear and your allies’ gear anywhere, offering a strategic edge.
  • Disruptive Engages: Ornn’s ultimate, Call of the Forge God, can swing the momentum of a battle with a strategic knock-up.
  • Terrain Manipulation: His Searing Charge can create obstacles, providing opportunities to shape team engagements and isolate adversaries.
  • Tankiness: Ornn naturally becomes more resilient, providing a robust presence at the front of your team.

Choosing Ornn as your support means focusing on control rather than healing or shielding. Your objective is to initiate, disrupt, and give your team an advantage with item enhancements.

Your approach should center on area control and protecting teammates rather than typical support functions.

Monitor the flow of battle and use your creative abilities to craft paths to victory.

18. Gragas

Gragas presents an unexpected yet effective choice for a support role, with a set of abilities that provide a surprising level of utility and crowd control in the bot lane. Choosing Gragas means opting for disruption.

His Body Slam (E) is versatile, serving not only as an engaging move but also as a protective tool for your marksman. The ultimate, Explosive Cask, can decisively influence team fights by either scattering key opponents or retreating from disadvantageous confrontations.

Here’s a brief overview of Gragas’ capabilities:

AbilityUtilityImpact in Bot Lane
Q – Barrel RollZoning/SlowManages space, initiates plays
E – Body SlamEngage/PeelCommences combat or defends allies
R – Explosive CaskDisplacementScatters or groups adversaries

Your analytical approach recognizes that Gragas’ significant base damage and natural resilience contribute to a strong laning phase, even without the typical support items.

You grasp the significance of vision control and tactical play, areas where Gragas excels. You also appreciate the ability to control the tempo of the game.

Gragas’ adaptability means you can adjust your strategy as the game progresses, providing the flexibility your strategic approach thrives on.

19. Jarvan IV

Your flexibility as a support is notably amplified by Jarvan IV’s strong presence, which can surprise adversaries in the bot lane. While he’s often seen in the jungle, Jarvan IV provides a distinct set of abilities that render him a powerful non-traditional support.

His skill to initiate confrontations and confine adversaries with his ultimate, Cataclysm, compels foes to be cautious about their positioning.

Consider these key benefits of Jarvan IV as support:

  • Engage Potential: Jarvan’s E-Q combination, the standard-bearer and Dragon Strike, offers robust engagement and a knock-up effect.
  • Zoning Power: Cataclysm constructs terrain that can divide the enemy team or induce flashes, altering the battlefield to your favor.
  • Peel and Protect: His Demacian Standard provides an attack speed increase, assisting your ADC, while the protection from Golden Aegis helps absorb damage.
  • Vision Control: The flag from Demacian Standard also serves as a temporary source of vision, which is vital in bot lane conflicts.

If you’re a strategic thinker, you’ll appreciate that Jarvan’s abilities allow you to exert influence over the game’s progression.

You can execute bold moves leading to control of your lane, and leverage those initial advantages into a win during the middle and later stages of the game.

This high-risk, high-reward approach is attractive to those who enjoy the opportunity to challenge the usual playstyle and guide their team to victory.

20. Taliyah

Some may not view Taliyah as a conventional support, yet her exceptional zoning abilities and burst damage render her a powerful choice in the bot lane.

Taliyah isn’t suited for those who shy away from risk or prefer a passive approach. Her abilities require assertiveness and an understanding of space to utilize her strengths effectively.

Her Q, Threaded Volley, provides reliable poke damage, wearing down adversaries and discouraging aggressive moves against her. It’s with her E, Unraveled Earth, and W, Seismic Shove, that your tactical skills really come into play.

Setting traps and displacing enemies can disrupt their strategies and lead to securing kills. During team fights, your skill in altering the terrain can often swing the momentum in your team’s favor.

Moreover, Taliyah’s ultimate, Weaver’s Wall, is a powerful tool for controlling the map, not just for traversing it.

It can be used to cut off opponents, separate targets, or even come to the aid of allies. This versatility is what makes Taliyah an exciting option for those who appreciate unconventional tactics.

Playing Taliyah in the support role is about crafting chances and inducing errors. Your role extends beyond simply supporting your ADC; you’re the architect of your opponents’ downfall.

Accept this role wholeheartedly, and you may find that Taliyah, the Stone Weaver, can have just as much, if not more, impact as any conventional support choice.

21. Tahm Kench

Tahm Kench, the River King, offers a unique and effective approach to the support role with his special ability to guard and reposition allies during combat.

If you’re adept at playing League of Legends, you’ll value how he alters the typical support role, bringing a different outlook on the dynamics of the bottom lane.

Choosing Tahm Kench means you’re selecting:

  • Devour (W): This ability is a key part of Tahm’s arsenal, enabling you to consume an ally, which shields them temporarily. It’s ideal for urgent rescues or moving your carry to safety.
  • Abyssal Voyage (R): This far-reaching ultimate can change the outcome of a match. Utilize it to initiate unexpected attacks or to quickly change positions on the map, capturing objectives or coming to the aid of your team where needed.
  • Thick Skin (E): This passive skill gives Tahm Kench a protective barrier, allowing him to withstand more damage during fights.
  • An Acquired Taste (Passive): Accumulating this passive can result in stunning or consuming an enemy, which can disrupt their placement and protect your team members.

You’ll enjoy the flexibility to enact plays that can alter the course of the game, embodying the essence of an unconventional choice. With Tahm Kench, assert your influence by turning a seemingly inevitable loss into an unexpected triumph.

22. Poppy

Transitioning from the defensive capabilities of Tahm Kench to Poppy, the Iron Ambassador, you’ll encounter a surprising and tenacious support option.

Her ability to disrupt and control the movements of adversaries is notable. Those who enjoy breaking conventional game patterns will value her for the protection she offers to allies and the strong initiation capabilities she brings to the team.

A closer look at Poppy’s abilities reveals that her presence in the lower lane is solidified by her ‘Iron Ambassador’ (Passive), which enables effective trading with a shield throw, an excellent strategy for poking and controlling space.

Her ‘Steadfast Presence’ (W) is particularly effective in halting the advances of agile champions, establishing an area that’s especially useful against prevalent high-mobility tactics.

This zone that hampers mobility allows you to control the positioning of adversaries, making Poppy an astute choice against champions like Leona or Rakan, who depend on their initiation abilities to start conflicts.

Additionally, ‘Heroic Charge’ (E) and ‘Keeper’s Verdict’ (R) provide substantial crowd control capabilities. The former can stun enemies against walls, while the latter can either scatter opponents or help coordinate an attack with your team.

Players with a good sense of timing and positioning can use Poppy’s hammer to change the outcome of clashes and claim objectives.

Accept Poppy’s unconventional potential and relish in the ability to disrupt your adversary’s strategies with a steadfast approach.

23. Ahri

Consider Ahri, the Nine-Tailed Fox, as a novel choice for support, with charm and agility that can shift the balance in the bot lane to your advantage. An adept player appreciates the element of surprise and adaptability in game tactics.

Ahri mightn’t be the conventional support, yet her abilities offer an intriguing mix of crowd control, poking capability, and potential for impactful plays that can take adversaries by surprise.

Here are reasons to try Ahri as support:

  • Charm (E): Ahri’s E skill is excellent for setting up eliminations and can interrupt key enemy skills, disrupting their coordination in the bot lane.
  • Orb of Deception (Q): This skill provides steady harassment and lane control, easing the burden on your ADC.
  • Spirit Rush (R): Her ultimate grants exceptional agility, allowing you to engage, retreat, or pursue weakened targets.
  • Fox-Fire (W): Though more nuanced, this ability adds extra damage and has a targeting mechanism to help finish off targets or fend off bold enemies.

Mastering Ahri’s capabilities demands skill and an assertive approach that seizes opportunities.

Your role extends beyond mere support; you pose a threat capable of roaming and impacting other lanes. Accept the versatility Ahri introduces and redefine what it means to play as support in your matches.

24. Elise

Every Elise support pick introduces unexpected utility with a dynamic mix of crowd control and burst damage for your bot lane strategies. Selecting Elise means opting for a playstyle that defies the usual patterns, bringing an aggressive edge that can surprise adversaries.

As Elise, your cocoon (E) is a pivotal element, used for initiating fights and securing eliminations. With the execute damage from your spider form, you possess the capability to quickly eliminate champions with low health.

Going further into her skill set, Elise’s adaptability is a key advantage. Her rappel (E in spider form) serves not only as a method to evade danger but also as a technique to evade critical enemy attacks or to position yourself for an optimal cocoon throw.

This calls for anticipation and a sharp sense of timing—a hallmark of an insightful and strategic support player.

Taking on the support role with Elise allows you the flexibility to venture away from the bot lane, using your potent ganking capabilities to influence other areas of the map. Your presence is menacing with just the fundamental skills, independent of a large inventory of items.

To excel with Elise in the support position involves welcoming unpredictability and using the confusion you incite to your advantage. It’s a less conventional approach but invigorating for those eager to deviate from the standard support role.

25. Orianna

Orianna, with her control over the battlefield, offers a distinctive off-meta support choice that lets you manipulate team fights for your benefit.

If you relish the freedom to break from the norm, you’ll appreciate that Orianna’s abilities offer a refreshing change from the usual support role.

Here are the reasons why Orianna can excel as a support:

  • Zone Control: Her Command: Attack (Q) and Command: Dissonance (W) interfere with enemy positioning and can slow their advances or retreats.
  • Shielding: Command: Protect (E) not only shields an ally but also grants bonus resistances, which makes your carries more resilient in skirmishes.
  • Engage or Disengage: Her ultimate, Command: Shockwave, allows you to initiate fights or counter when adversaries target your team.
  • Utility Scaling: Orianna’s effectiveness doesn’t rely heavily on items, which means she can still contribute substantially even with a modest gold income.

Examining the analytical aspects, you’ll see that Orianna’s passive, Clockwork Windup, adds extra damage to your basic attacks, improving your ability to harass in lane.

Her utility doesn’t wane with fewer resources, and her capacity to guard and enhance teammates while causing disruption to enemies makes her a versatile player in the strategic game of League of Legends.

Accepting Orianna’s support potential can often surprise adversaries, using unpredictability to secure victory.

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Hello, Summoners! I'm Chris Lee, the face behind LaneLectures. Peaking at Master (459 LP) in Season 12 and with nearly a decade in the League of Legends arena, I've explored the depths of this complex game. Now, with LaneLectures, I aim to share the crucial tips and insights garnered over the years to help you climb the ranked ladder. Whether you're battling out of Elo Hell or eyeing the prestigious Challenger tier, together we'll navigate the strategies to reach your League of Legends goals!